New York State SIB

SIB Details

LocationUnited States, NYS
Commencement dateDec 2013
Savings areaRecidivism, employment
Bond AmountUS$13.5m (2 tranches)
Bond terms (years)5.5 years

Intervention Program

Program descriptionJob training; life skills training; transitional employment; retention support.
Treatment duration4 years
Target populationRecently Released prisonsers from NY State who are at least 17 years 10 months old.
Intervention cohort2,000 individuals from target population.

Outcome Measurement

MetricNumber of bed days (number of days a person spends in prison) between initial release and end of observation period. Positive earnings in the fourth quarter following release from prison.
CounterfactualRandomise control trial.
Outcome Calculation and Target% reduction in recidivism and increase in employment compared to randomized control group.
Target: 8% reduction in recidivism and/or employment increased 5 percentage points.

Contracting parties

Government AgencyNew York State & US Department of Labour
Service ProviderCentre for Employment Opportunities
IntermediarySocial Finance and Bank of America Merrill Lynch
EvaluatorChesapeake Research Associates

Investor details

ReturnsRecidivism reduction:
<8% – 90% principal lost
8% – breakeven
? – 12.5% IRR (max)
Capital protection10% principal protection provided by Rockefeller Foundation

Useful links

Download the New York State SIB project summary (External link to, PDF, 794KB)