Rikers Island SIB

SIB Details

LocationUnited States, New York
Commencement date1 August 2012
Savings areaRecidivism
Bond AmountUS$9.6m
Bond terms (years)4 years

Intervention Program

Program descriptionAdolescent Behavioural Learning Experience (ABLE): Preventative education and counselling.
Treatment durationUnclear.
Target population16-18 year olds released from prison.
Intervention cohortTarget Population members released from Rikers Island Prison. Up to 17,800 individuals over 4 years (9,240 minimum for contractual agreement).

Outcome Measurement

MetricRecidivism bed days (RBD), which is the number of days youths spend in jail after their initial release, measured after 12 months and 24 months in the community.
CounterfactualHistorical comparison group that did not participate in program and matched for a range of factors. Adjusted for system level shifts using 19-20 yo cohort trends.
Outcome Calculation and Target% reduction in RBD relative to counterfactual. Target 10% reduction.

Contracting parties

Government AgencyCity of New York – Dept of Corrections
Service ProviderOsborne Association & Friends of Island Academy
EvaluatorVera Institute of Justice

Investor details

InvestorsGoldman Sachs
ReturnsReturns vary with RBD reduction:
<8.5% – 25% principal lost (no govt payment)
8.5% – 25% principal lost (govt payments commence)
10% – breakeven (0% IRR)
11% – 1.2% IRR
12% – 1.5% IRR
13% – 1.9% IRR
16% – 3.3% IRR
20% – 5.1% IRRIRR figures estimated based on 4 year loan. Max profit is US$2.2m.
Capital protection75% principal protection provided by Bloomberg.

Case Study

CommentsNot a SIB that is targeted at a broad investor base.

Download the Rikers Island SIB case study (PDF, 211KB)