How three key STEM education practices are helping schools develop student capabilities

In 2017, SVA commissioned the University of Canberra to research the most effective strategies for STEM teaching and learning. The paper, entitled ‘STEM Education for all young Australians’, has since been shared widely and a number of schools within the SVA Bright Spots Schools Connection network have applied and trialled elements of this paper within their contexts.

Following such a positive reception, a companion paper has also been written. It highlights how three schools, each with a particularly unique context, have developed students’ capabilities through the three key practices that underpin STEM – ideas, values and methods. This second paper, STEM Education in Practice, provides even greater insight into the application of these principles.

We invite you to learn more about the first paper, listen to the podcast or read the full paper.

Interested to know more?

SVA is hosting a STEM Twilight Seminar exploring these topics further on Tue 11 December.  All welcome!

Whilst particularly suited to those with an interest in education or STEM, the event is open to everyone.

Please register here and share the invitation with your networks.