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What is the Career Ladder initiative?

Everyone deserves fulfilling, secure and fairly paid work.

Yet today, young people start out lower on the career ladder, and climb it more slowly. Many can’t get enough work, let alone develop their skills.

Employer action is fundamental to fixing the issue, but many don’t have the time, know-how or connections to get started.

Rebuilding the Career Ladder supports young people and employers to build new pathways to more meaningful careers, towards a fairer future of work.

Our 5-pillar approach

There is a well-recognised need to improve career pathways for young people at risk of exclusion.

We are mobilising employers to address this need by driving evidence-informed practice change, and creating more sustainable career opportunities.

By sharing evidence of what works with policy-makers, we can shift the national conversation to create better outcomes for young people.

Our 5-pillar approach

Proudly supported by...

SVA acknowledges Citi Foundation’s support as the founding partner of the Rebuilding the Career Ladder initiative.

SVA acknowledges Macquarie Group Foundation and Paul Ramsay Foundation for funding our work in identifying and supporting efforts to provide pathways for young people into employment.

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